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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have Trees Near Your Pool

Many people dream of having a backyard swimming pool, but few realize just how much work is involved in actually owning one. Keeping the water clean is just one aspect of responsible pool ownership, and falling leaves from trees can complicate this chore. However, leaves aren’t the only reason you should keep trees a healthy distance away from your pool’s edge. If you are the proud owner of a backyard swimming pool, here are four reasons why you should remove nearby trees.

1. Too Much Shade

Unless your pool is heated, there are only a few months out of the year that your family can enjoy using it. The water needs adequate amounts of direct sunlight to be warm enough for swimming. If your pool is surrounded by trees, the resulting shade will prevent the pool from warming. To stretch out pool season as long as possible, increase your pool’s sun exposure by reducing sources of shade, such as trees.

2. Vermin and Pests

The trees in your predator-free backyard make very attractive homes for squirrels, birds, bees, and other unwanted pests. Eventually, those tree-dwelling critters will leave evidence of their existence in and around your pool, such as droppings. Dead insects are more likely to fall into your pool, as well. If a hive of bees has established itself in your poolside tree, you’ll also have to deal with their incessant buzzing every time you go out for a swim. By removing the trees near your pool, you can eliminate the headache of unwanted pests entirely.

3. Root Damage

Tree root systems can grow as large as their branches, if not larger. In many cases, you can look at how a tree appears above the ground without appreciating the vast network of roots that support it. When they’re allowed to spread unchecked, these roots can break through pool walls, cement pavers, building foundations, and other nearby obstructions. Save yourself time, money, and heartache by removing all poolside trees before they can wreak havoc on your pool.

4. Falling Debris

Some species of trees may produce more debris than others in the form of pollen, sticks, leaves, and flowers. Even if the branches aren’t directly above your pool, the debris can still be carried off the trees by wind. This debris is more likely to end up in the water if the distance to the pool is short. Leaves floating on the surface require skimming, while any that sink under are at risk of rotting and changing the water’s pH levels. Meanwhile, larger items like branches and twigs can jam up your pool filter. In the end, having trees near your pool usually results in a big mess, requiring more time and effort from you for cleaning and maintenance.

If you’re tired of skimming your pool for leaves, tree removal may be the right solution. A professional tree service can accomplish this safely along with identifying any other tree-related hazards in your backyard. Get in touch with the experts at Benjamin’s Tree Service for safe and professional tree removal in Las Vegas, NV.

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