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professional hanging and cutting large bare branches of nut tree during an autumn day

Top Fall Tree Care Tips to Implement Today

Living in Las Vegas means plenty of chances to have a good time visiting places like the Hoover Dam. As a resident of Las Vegas, you want to make sure your trees are cared for when the hot weather starts to subside. A shady place under your favorite trees is just right. Here’s how to ensure your trees stay in wonderful shape when fall comes along.

Start Planting

Fall makes the ideal time to plant any new trees. As the heat drops, there’s less of a chance of your plants having their leaves and roots getting damaged by sizzling heat waves. Drought conditions are also less likely during this time. New trees need lots of water in order to thrive. When you plant trees now you’re likely to have enough water on hand to ensure they can grow and stay well in the long term.

Clean All Areas

A healthy group of trees are trees that are surrounded by clean areas in all directions. This allows all of your trees to establish healthy root systems. You’ll want to clear out any lingering summer debris in your yard near each tree. After you’ve done that, it’s time to provide a layer of mulch around each tree. Mulch gives each tree essential protection against the elements. Look for mulch that is designed to withstand local conditions such as decreased moisture. It’s also a good idea to trim your trees carefully. Our company can provide you with the expert tree trimming services you want today.

Feed Them Well

Autumn is when trees have a lot more root growth. Your tree’s root systems serve as a way of keeping enough energy for the tree to use as this process continues. The trees need lots of starch in order to provide enough fuel to ensure they can bring in the new growth you want next spring. Keep in mind younger trees tend to have less established root systems. That’s why they need a lot of fertilizer right now. Make sure you provide the fertilizer they need when they need it most.

Start Raking

Raking is great exercise. It’s also an ideal way to keep your trees looking good this fall. Take some time each week to remove the leaves as they fall from each tree. Removing dead leaves frees up more space. That increases the amount of sunlight each tree gets and helps them grow. If you have any fruiting trees, you’ll also want to remove any dead fruit lying around. Otherwise, it can attract many types of pests that can harm the trees.

Fall is a great time to care for your trees. If you’re in need of care for your Las Vegas property, get in touch with our experts at Benjamin’s Tree Service.

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